Rachna first met Jo Nash in 2013, when she contacted her for support following the loss of her baby boy Vinay, 20 weeks into her pregnancy.
She joined the team as a trustee in 2017 and is the only member of the current team that has received a memory box.
Rachna’s professional background includes a career in accounting, and she later trained as a Health and Wellness Coach and EFT Practitioner.
Jo and the charity were a true lifeline for me at a time when I really needed support, with few friends and family in Jersey, I just didn’t know anyone who had been through what I was dealing with when I lost Vinay.
I almost didn’t reach out but after a few weeks when I looked in the memory box again, I saw the card from Jo and plucked up the courage to contact her – and I am so glad I did.
Joining the charity as a trustee and helping to support other people like me is my way of remembering my little boy.