New website launch

Supporting Your Journey: We're so very proud to launch our new charity website.

Supporting Your Journey: We’re so very proud to launch our new charity website. A few years ago we were very fortunate to receive a grant from Association of Jersey Charities as part of their ’50@50′ anniversary scheme which has fully funded this transformation. It has taken somewhat longer than expected but, we feel, totally worth the wait!

Our vision was an easy to navigate website which, in just a few clicks, could guide you to trusted sources for support and information, both local and UK. Providing information to Support You not only those affected by the loss of a baby or child, but also information on keeping you and your baby safe during pregnancy, support for pregnancies after loss and the usual About Us, News and Events, Support Us. Philip’s actual footprints remain on the website, our memory of the baby boy who is the reason this charity was founded.

It’s taken many, many hours to make this a reality and whilst there are still a couple of things we’re planning to add, we really wanted this to be available now. We’d love to hear what you think!

We’d like to extend our huge thanks again to the Association of Jersey Charities and the following who helped us turn this vision into reality:

  • The ever patient and talented Brian Mann of who has done an incredible job of bringing our vision to life
  • Glen Perotte Photography for his fab head shots
  • Helen Catherine Photography for her perfect memory box photos
  • Sarah Stoten and Magellan Consultancy whose help refining and enhancing the detail of our vision gave our basic brief a big leap into a comprehensive working document
  • Our website testers
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