Philip’s Footprints hosted UK stillbirth charity SANDS, who presented their ‘Pregnancy and Baby Loss Bereavement Care’ training days.
The course included a bereaved parent’s perspective, and the charity were very grateful to the Jersey parents who bravely told their very personal stories of loss and answered questions.

Breaking bad news, compassionate communication, enabling informed choice and understanding grief were all covered. Aimed at professionals who engage with bereaved parents after a loss, 80 people attended from a variety of backgrounds over 4 days including midwives and nurses, community nurses, health visitors, peer supporters, funeral directors and Family Liaison officers. Being all from one community enhanced the learning experience, all offering different perspectives and experience and all with a wish to provide better bereavement care.
14 officers and staff were privileged to participate in this specialised training. The knowledge and skills they have acquired will be instrumental in enabling our force to respond with the utmost care, compassion and understanding to families facing such profound loss – Chief of Police Robin Smith