The Seymour Sprint is the only charity run in the East! Whether opting for the 6km beach run to Seymour Slip and back, or the longer 10km trail run heading out to the historic Seymour Tower and back to the start, you can take in the beautiful coastal views as you do. (Keep an eye on our website and social channels for details of how to register on our 26 April 2025 run.)
6km: walk or run from Longbeach – Seymour Slip and back (not to the tower).
10km trail run: from Longbeach – Seymour Slip – Seymour Tower and back Across the inter-tidal zone, be prepared to get WET and run over sandy and rocky surfaces following the marshalled route.
This event is physically challenging – you will be running 10km across uneven coastal/ inter-tidal terrain, through the gulleys. Due to the risk of tidal cut-off, there is a time limit for reaching the turn-around point (45mins – 5km).
The event was created by Helier de Veulle in 2020 and was such a success has been held annually since then.
Read the full article on Bailiwick Express.
Can I walk instead?
Whilst you are very welcome to walk the 6km course to Seymour Slip and back, there is not enough time during the event to walk the 10km course to Seymour Tower and back.
Should you wish to do this another time please follow expert guidance regarding the tide times to avoid getting caught out by the tide which comes in very fast and can quickly surround you.
Where can I leave my valuables?
For small items, we provide a secure box that is monitored for the duration of the race. Runners can also leave bags and clothing at the check-in gazebo. Please note this is at your own risk as we cannot guarantee that this will also be monitored.
Race Number and Safety Briefing
Please arrive in good time to check-in, collect your race number and listen to the Safety Briefing which includes weather assessment to ensure everyone has a happy and safe run.
Can children participate?
Yes! Accompanied children over 10 can participate.
Can I bring my dog?
Yes, well behaved dogs welcome. We do ask that dogs are kept on leads at the start of the race so that they don’t inconvenience other runners.
Can I get lost or get caught by the tide?
No, the run is along a pre-set marshalled route and is specifically timed for the tide’s lowest point. If you do not make the marshalled turn-around point at Seymour Tower within 40 minutes, the marshals along the route will flag you down to ensure you turn around.
Do runners cause any damage to the environment?
No. Whilst the bay is a RAMSAR site, runners follow a pre-set marshalled route which has been assessed by the States of Jersey Marine and Coastal Department. They are satisfied that the impact of runners over this environment is minimal. In previous years, the department has undertaken spot checks following the run and were satisfied there was no damage or rubbish left.
During the safety briefing we do make very clear that no rubbish is to be dropped on the beach during the run and do provide a bin at Seymour Tower and the start/finish point to facilitate this.
T-shirts: In addition, mindful of the charity’s environmental footprint and to avoid waste, event t-shirts are available to buy if you wish but are not included as standard in the ticket price.